Unit Testing

CAF includes a unit testing framework that we use to test CAF itself. It is also available for users to test their own code.

The testing framework is integrated with CAF, which is also the reason why we have decided to not use an existing framework. While there are many excellent testing frameworks available, we needed a testing framework that integrates well with CAF’s inspection API, logging, and scheduling. Aside from the basic unit testing features, caf_test also includes various fixtures that enable users to test CAF code in a deterministic environment.


  • A check represents a single verification of a boolean statement.

  • A section contains any number of checks.

  • A test contains any number of checks and/or sections.

  • A scenario offers a BDD-style API to write tests.

  • A suite groups tests together.

  • A fixture equips a test with a fixed environment.


Checks are the basic building blocks of tests. They are used to verify conditions and can be used in any context. The following checks are available:

  • check(what) verifies that what is true.

  • check_eq(lhs, rhs) verifies that lhs == rhs.

  • check_ne(lhs, rhs) verifies that lhs != rhs.

  • check_lt(lhs, rhs) verifies that lhs < rhs.

  • check_le(lhs, rhs) verifies that lhs <= rhs.

  • check_gt(lhs, rhs) verifies that lhs > rhs.

  • check_ge(lhs, rhs) verifies that lhs >= rhs.

  • check_throws(fn) verifies that fn() throws an exception.

  • check_throws<E>(fn) verifies that fn() throws an exception of type E.

All checks return true if the condition is met and false otherwise. This allows users to write checks in if statements. This is especially useful for writing checks that depend on other checks. For example:

if (check(!xs.empty())) {
  check_eq(xs.back(), 42);

Approximate Comparisons

When working with floating point numbers, comparing for equality is generally unsafe due to rounding errors and limited precision. To account for this, the testing framework includes the template class caf::test::approx for approximate comparisons. The class provides a constructor that takes a value and when passing approx to check_eq or require_eq, the comparison will accept the value if it is within a certain range of the expected value.

By default, the allowed deviation is std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon(). Users can change the deviation by using the epsilon member function. For example:

check_eq(my_fn(), approx{3.117}); // uses the default epsilon
check_eq(my_fn(), approx{3.117}.epsilon(0.001)); // allows 3.116 <= x <= 3.118


Requirements are checks that will abort the current test if they fail.

  • require(what) verifies that what is true.

  • require_eq(lhs, rhs) verifies that lhs == rhs.

  • require_ne(lhs, rhs) verifies that lhs != rhs.

  • require_lt(lhs, rhs) verifies that lhs < rhs.

  • require_le(lhs, rhs) verifies that lhs <= rhs.

  • require_gt(lhs, rhs) verifies that lhs > rhs.

  • require_ge(lhs, rhs) verifies that lhs >= rhs.

  • require_throws(fn) verifies that fn() throws an exception.

  • require_throws<E>(fn) verifies that fn() throws an exception of type E.


A test is a runnable unit of code that verifies a specific behavior. Tests have a description and can contain any number of checks and/or sections.

TEST("push_back adds elements to the end of a vector") {
  std::vector<int> xs;
  if (check_eq(xs.size(), 1u))
    check_eq(xs.back(), 42);
  if (check_eq(xs.size(), 2u))
    check_eq(xs.back(), 23);


Sections allow users to split up tests into smaller units. Sections can contain any number of checks and/or nested sections. Sections form a tree structure and CAF will run one branch of the tree at a time. This means that one test can have multiple execution paths and that neighboring sections do not interfere with each other.

TEST("pop_back and erase both remove elements from a vector") {
  std::vector<int> xs;
  SECTION("pop_back") {
    if (check_eq(xs.size(), 2u))
      check_eq(xs.back(), 2);
  SECTION("erase") {
    if (check_eq(xs.size(), 2u)) {
      check_eq(xs.front(), 2);
      check_eq(xs.back(), 3);

In the example above, CAF will first run the pop_back section and skip the erase section. After running the test once, CAF checks whether all branches of the section tree have been executed. If not, CAF will run the test again and skip all branches that have already been executed. This process repeats until all branches have been executed. Hence, the example above will run the pop_back section first and the erase section second. Each section will see the vector with all three elements.


Scenarios offer a BDD-style API to write tests. A scenario may contain any number of GIVEN or WHEN blocks. Each GIVEN block may contain any number of WHEN blocks. Each WHEN block may contain any number of THEN blocks. The THEN block is the final nesting level.

There are also AND_GIVEN, AND_WHEN, and AND_THEN blocks that can be used to add to the previous block.

Just like sections, scenarios form a tree structure and CAF will run one branch of the tree at a time. The AND_* blocks are executed in the same context as the previous block.

SCENARIO("vectors allow adding and removing elements") {
  GIVEN("a vector with two elements: [1, 2]") {
    std::vector xs{1, 2};
    WHEN("adding 3 to the vector") {
    AND_WHEN("the user erases the first element") {
      THEN("the vector has two elements") {
        check_eq(xs.size(), 2u);
      AND_THEN("the last element is 3") {
        check_eq(xs.back(), 3);
    WHEN("the user calls front") {
      THEN("the result is 1") {
        check_eq(xs.front(), 1);
  WHEN("default-constructing a vector") {
    std::vector<int> xs;
    THEN("the vector is empty") {

Again, CAF will run the test branches independently. Hence, each WHEN block will see the vector with its two initial elements. However, since AND_* blocks run after the previous block, the AND_WHEN block in the example above will see the vector with three elements.

Scenario Outlines

Scenario outlines allow users to run the same scenario with different inputs. The GIVEN, WHEN, THEN, etc. blocks inside of a scenario outline can use Gherkin-style placeholders to refer to input values using the syntax <name>. Further, an outline must contain an EXAMPLE block that defines the input values in Markdown table notation.

To retrieve the values(s) for the placeholder(s) in a block, users can call block_parameters<...>() with ... replaced by the desired type(s).

The following example generates two scenarios from the outline. The first scenario will have start = 12, eat = 5, and left = 7. The second scenario will have start = 20, eat = 5, and left = 15.

OUTLINE("eating cucumbers") {
  GIVEN("there are <start> cucumbers") {
    auto start = block_parameters<int>();
    auto cucumbers = start;
    WHEN("I eat <eat> cucumbers") {
      auto eat = block_parameters<int>();
      cucumbers -= eat;
      THEN("I should have <left> cucumbers") {
        auto left = block_parameters<int>();
        check_eq(cucumbers, left);
    | start | eat | left |
    |    12 |   5 |    7 |
    |    20 |   5 |   15 |

At runtime, CAF will replace all placeholders with their corresponding values from the EXAMPLES block in the test output. Further, the individual scenario runs are numbered in the test output. The example above would print Scenario: eating cucumbers #1 when using the values from the first row of the EXAMPLES block and Scenario: eating cucumbers #2 when using the values from the second row.

A block may have any number of placeholders. When calling block_parameters, the number of template parameters must match the number of placeholders in the description. When passing more than one template parameter, the function returns a std::tuple:

OUTLINE("adding two numbers") {
  GIVEN("the numbers <x> and <y>") {
    auto [x, y] = block_parameters<double, double>();
    WHEN("adding both numbers") {
      auto result = x + y;
      THEN("the result should be <sum>") {
        auto sum = block_parameters<double>();
        check_eq(result, caf::test::approx{sum});
    |   x |   y | sum |
    |   1 |   2 |   3 |
    | 2.5 | 3.5 |   6 |


Suites allow users to optionally group tests together. Suites can contain any number of tests and/or scenarios. However, a single translation unit may only contain one suite.

When running a suite, CAF will run all tests and scenarios in the suite. Tests that are not part of a suite will automatically be added to a default suite.

SUITE("my-suite") {

TEST("test 1") {
  // ...

TEST("test 2") {
  // ...

SCENARIO("scenario 1") {
  GIVEN("...") {
    WHEN("...") {
      THEN("...") {
        // ...

} // SUITE("my-suite")


Fixtures provide a way to share data as well as setup and teardown code between tests. Each run of a test or scenario will create a new instance of the fixture type. The fixture type must provide a default constructor.

struct my_fixture {
  my_fixture() {

  std::vector<int> xs;

WITH_FIXTURE(my_fixture) {

TEST("test 1") {
  require(xs.size(), 3u);
  // ...

TEST("test 2") {
  require(xs.size(), 3u);
  // ...

SCENARIO("scenario 1") {
  require(xs.size(), 3u);
  GIVEN("...") {
    WHEN("...") {
      THEN("...") {
        // ...

} // WITH_FIXTURE(my_fixture)

Test Binaries

To build a test binary, simply add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:

find_package(CAF COMPONENTS test REQUIRED)
add_executable(my-test test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my-test PRIVATE CAF::test)

In test.cpp, include caf/test/caf_test_main.hpp and use the macro CAF_TEST_MAIN to generate a main function for your test binary.

All tests and scenarios will be automatically registered with CAF. This also works when splitting tests into multiple files. In this case, create an executable with all test files and use the CAF_TEST_MAIN macro in exactly one of them.

Like CAF_MAIN, the CAF_TEST_MAIN macro accepts any number of type ID blocks as well as CAF modules. For example, wen writing tests that use feature from caf::net, use CAF_TEST_MAIN(caf::net::middleman) to properly initialize the meta object tables and networking.

Command Line Interface

When using the CAF_TEST_MAIN macro, the resulting binary will provide a command line interface to list and run tests. Running the binary without any arguments will run all tests and scenarios in all suites. However, there are several command line options to filter suites and tests using a regex, configure the verbosity, etc. Please run the binary with --help to see all available options.

Migrating from the Legacy Test Framework

The new testing framework has been added with CAF 0.19.3. Prior to that, CAF shipped a legacy testing framework that is still available. However, we recommend to no longer use the legacy framework for new projects and to migrate to the new framework when still using the legacy framework, because we will remove the legacy framework in a future release.

The legacy framework looked like this:

#define CAF_SUITE core
#include <caf/test/unit_test.hpp>

  CAF_REQUIRE(0 * 1 == 0);
  CAF_CHECK(42 + 42 == 84);

struct fixture {
  fixture() {
    CAF_MESSAGE("entering test");

  ~fixture() {
    CAF_MESSAGE("leaving test");

CAF_TEST_FIXTURE_SCOPE(tracing_scope, fixture)

  CAF_FAIL(0 / 1 == 0);
  CAF_CHECK(1 / 1 == 0);  // fails


To migrate to the new framework:

  • Include caf/test/test.hpp instead of caf/test/unit_test.hpp.

  • Replace CAF_TEST with TEST.

  • Instead of defining CAF_SUITE prior to including the header, use the SUITE macro.

  • Instead of defining a fixture type with CAF_TEST_FIXTURE_SCOPE and CAF_TEST_FIXTURE_SCOPE_END, use WITH_FIXTURE.

  • Instead of using CAF_REQUIRE, CAF_CHECK, etc. use require, check, etc. Note that the new framework uses actual C++ functions instead of macros for checks and requirements.

For users of the old caf/test/dsl.hpp header:

  • Include caf/test/scenario.hpp instead of caf/test/dsl.hpp.

  • The BDD-style macros still have the same names. However, CAF now runs each branch of a BDD-style test independently. Hence, old tests with multiple WHEN blocks might behave slightly differently now.

  • Instead of using the test_coordinator_fixture, use caf::test::fixture::deterministic. The interface is mostly the same, but there are some differences. Please refer to the class documentation for more details.

Macros such as expect, allow and inject have been replaced by member functions on the new deterministic fixture. Hence, the syntax has changed slightly:

old: expect((int), with(42).from(foo).to(bar))
new: expect<int>().with(42).from(foo).to(bar)

old: allow((int), with(42).from(foo).to(bar))
new: allow<int>().with(42).from(foo).to(bar)

old: inject((int), with(42).from(foo).to(bar))
new: inject().with(42).from(foo).to(bar)